Faith, Trust

Strength Comes From Trusting

Abraham had absolute belief that God’s word was true. The trust that he had in the One that called them out of Ur grew in strength every day. From the very start, he had no issue whatsoever in placing his life 100% into the will of God. When the Lord told him to go, he went.

I know what you’re thinking… “He didn’t waver? Really?… Pharaoh, Abimelech, Hagar…”. There is no disputing that Abraham tried to assist God in producing an heir, through the influence of Sarah, but he never disbelieved the promise. Again, although he placed his life in the will of God, he didn’t always place it in the safe-keeping of God.

We all have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need be. We can’t help it at times, we are an impatient people living in an ‘instant’ society. God, on the other hand, does not live life in a hurry. If He has promised something to you, He will deliver, but you may have to wait. Waiting on the Lord is a privilege and we should allow the wait to strengthen our faith.

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