Daily Life, Encouragement, God's Word

The Guidebook

The decision has been made, the path has been chosen and the guidebook is in hand. But the path is narrow, the surface is sometimes uneven and no guardrails have been put in place yet. The cry goes out…

Lord, I have chosen the way of faithfulness and I have your guidebook with me. Help me understand your laws and your ways so that I won’t stumble and fall. Strengthen me with your word, guide me with your teaching and hide all false ways from me so that I might stay true to your path.

It can be all too easy to wander off the path of faithfulness. Something catches the eye or we hear something and off we go to investigate. We forget to put the guardrails in place that keep us focused and on the right track.

God’s Word is our handbook, guidebook and rulebook, navigating us through the smoothest and toughest terrain. It strengthens us when the climb is steep; it comforts and soothes when we fall. It brings shelter when the rains pour down and it refreshes us when we need to rest.

The path will be difficult at times, but the way of faithfulness also leads to green pastures and still waters; places of great beauty and wonders beyond belief. It is a way filled with goodness and mercy, and it overflows with every provision that we will ever need.

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