God's Love, Goodness, Worship

Two Way Blessing                

Every child of God has been the recipient of His bountiful blessings. In fact, God has poured out His blessing on all mankind, for His grace and mercy are extended to all – they only need to be accepted. In this verse, however, Paul speaks of spiritual blessings, which are only available to those who have accepted God’s salvation. These blessings, here and now, help us to walk this earthly path with endurance in our heart and peace in our soul.

God’s blessings cannot be numbered, but it does our heart and mind good to think over the wonderful favour that we have experienced through Him. Out of His abundance of love, He continually pours out His goodness upon us.

What then can we give God – how do we bless the one who blesses us? We simply kneel before Him. In the Hebrew, the word translated as bless is ‘barak’ which literally means to kneel. For the Christian, this goes beyond the physical posture of getting down on our knees. We kneel our heart before Him; we kneel our lives before Him – surrendering ourselves in reverent submission, gratitude and worship for all that the Lord has given and all that God has done.

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