Choices, Patience, Trust

Waiting in the Right Queue

How good are you at waiting on the Lord? When you read God’s Word, do you sit quietly and wait for the Spirit to reveal how it relates to you, or your situation? When you pray, do you wait to hear His voice within your heart? All too often, we read a verse or passage of scripture and then simply close our Bible and get on with the day. This also happens after we pray; we say ‘Amen’ and immediately move on to the next thing we need to do.

In chapter 6 of Job, we hear him asking, ‘what is my strength, that I should wait? And what is my end, that I should be patient?’ In other words, ‘Is waiting on God worth it?’ The answer, of course, is ‘yes’. If there was a queue for every single thing that I needed in life and I had to choose which line to stand in, I would choose the queue for God. The Lord knows exactly what I need and when I need it. In waiting patiently for Him, I receive far more than I could ever hope for.

There is no other god like our God, for he is the only one ‘who acts for those who wait for him’ (Isa64). The Lord actively works to provide you with every good and perfect thing. So, let your heart take courage, wait patiently on the Lord and allow him to bless you with his goodness.

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