Faithfulness, Truth

Absolute Certainty

This verse gives us a straightforward fact and a wonderful truth – God is faithful. It was Moses who first explained this truth to the people of Israel. In Deuteronomy 7:9 we read:

God is faithful in all His promises and He is faithful to all His children, but sometimes the only way for us to appreciate this truth is to look at it from a personal perspective. Think back over your life as a child of God. When you were afraid, did you feel His presence? During times of grief, did you know His comfort. Through trials and turmoil, did He help you stand?

When you understand the faithfulness of God in your own life, you can share that truth assuredly with others. In a world of unfaithfulness, people need to know that there is something that they can rely on with absolute confidence. They need to know the same straightforward fact and wonderful truth that you know. So, when the opportunity comes along – tell them.

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