Gentleness, Truth

Learn from the Master

Learn from me… What better teacher to have than Christ himself; a pure example of gentleness and humility. If you want to know what gentleness looks like then read the gospels. Follow Jesus as he goes from town-to-town ministering and interacting with those who were deemed to be unworthy. Watch how he treats the outcast, the infirmed, the poor, the sinful, and notice his  gracious attitude in dealing with those whom others looked down on.

I am gentle and lowly in heart… Jesus was given all power and authority and yet, ‘made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant’ (Phil 2:7). This is strength manifested through a humble nature. So, how is this humility outworked in our own lives? By ‘counting others more significant than yourselves’ (v4), and showing concern and care for those around us, with genuine love.

You will find rest for your souls… Life gets so busy; it can become chaotic and everything around us can just feel like noise. We forget about ‘the Helper’ and try to do things in our own strength. Then we wonder why we feel so tired all the time. The world gives us burdens that are heavy and which lead to distress. Jesus tells us that his yoke is light, and in him we find rest for our soul.

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