Daily Life, Faith worked out

Less Talk, More Action

We can all talk a good game at times but following that up with action is sometimes a different story. How often do we pray that the Lord will ‘send’ someone somewhere without thinking of going ourselves, or pray that He would relieve someone’s loneliness and yet not feel the need to lift the phone or send a card?

What do we achieve by hearing or reading God’s Word and then forgetting what the Word has told us to do? James likens this to looking at yourself in a mirror and then walking away and immediately forgetting what you look like. Instead, we are to be doers of the word and not hearers only (Jam1:22). You can’t talk someone out of hunger, you have to feed them. Faith worked out is a practical business.

We are to emulate the ways of the Lord Jesus and follow in his footsteps. He went from town-to-town teaching, healing, sharing, comforting. He knew what needed to be done, and even as a child explained to his mother, Mary, “I must be about my Father’s business”.

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