Holy Spirit, Prayer

Restore and Revive

There have been numerous revivals in various countries over the centuries. In the 1730s and 40s the American colonies experienced the First Great Awakening. In Australia, the Methodist Church grew by over 70% in the late 1850s, while around the same time in Europe Le Reveil movement was taking place throughout France, Germany, Netherland and Switzerland. Closer to home there was the Welsh revival of 1904 and the Ulster revival which began with 4 young men and a weekly prayer meeting in Connor.

How did these revivals start and what made them grow? It starts with a heart of passion, a thirst for God’s word and a desire to see the fire of the Spirit spread. So, do we need to be restored before there can be revival, or does revival bring us back to a place or restoration? Whatever your answer may be, the two go hand in hand and we need them both.

On an individual level, each of us needs our relationship with God to be restored on a daily basis because of sin. We also need times of refreshing; a time of resting in His provision, when he leads us to his waters of life. During these times our strength returns, we feel revitalise and our spirit is renewed. Imagine what it would feel like if everyone in your fellowship had that same experience at the same time. Now imagine every fellowship in your area having the same renewal. Did you feel a flicker of excitement at the thought? If you answered ‘yes’ proceed straight to prayer. If you answered ‘no’ proceed straight to prayer.

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