Daily Life, Faith worked out

Live Passionately

So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart.

2 Timothy 2:22

It seems commonly accepted that girls mature into women but men will always be boys. The truth is, there is a part in all of us that never really grows up and we still derive joy from the innocent pleasures of our youth.

In this verse, Paul is not warning against simple pleasures but against wayward passions and the earthly desires we had before salvation. As we work out our faith in a manner that is pleasing to God, we need to turn away from those things that do not bring him honour. We may reminisce about certain times in our lives but we cannot live on things past. In order for us to grow and mature, we must live for the things yet to come.

Forget past passions. Instead, live passionately with future purpose, in pursuit of the path that leads to right living before God. The most profitable way to achieve this is to walk with those who are likeminded. Find companions who have a pure heart that is filled with spiritual passion, who walk faithfully in the love of God and who pursue the way of peace.

They say there is strength in numbers, and we are definitely stronger when we unite together in order to grow and mature in our faith.

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