Fruit of the Spirit, Patience

Don’t Give Up

Galatian 6:9

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

In the preceding verses Paul talks about reaping what you sow. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap life everlasting. This is because God will not be mocked. Everything we do matters and everything we do has consequences. We can’t blame someone else for the choices we make. We will each bear our own burden. But if we live in the Spirit and by His guiding then He will lead us in doing good things.

It would appear, however, that it is possible to get tired of doing good things, which seems strange. How could you ever get tired of doing something that is good? Quite easily at times because we are still only human. We have a basic need to feel appreciated. Putting time and energy into something and getting nothing in return can be discouraging. In the end we will only do something for so long when there appears to be no thanks for it. If, of course, we are only doing something for the praise and recognition then we are definitely doing it for the wrong reason.

God wants us to do good things without the need for immediate results. It like planting seeds. We plant, we water, we tend, we wait. The good that we do does not go unseen by God. He is watching, He is listening. So never give up and never give in because, when the time is right, your patience will be rewarded and God’s rewards are worth waiting for.

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