Encouragement, Truth

The Secret of Enough

Where are you on the scale of contentment? Are you happy with your lot or is there a wish for something more? The world constantly demands bigger, better, brighter things and innovation never sleeps. There is a need to have the next ‘must-have’ product, and to have it first. The problem with craving material things is that satisfaction is short lived and the need for the-new never goes away.

The beautiful truth of today’s verse reminds us that the richness of our lives is not based on what we can hold in our hands but on what we hold in our hearts. Timothy had found himself among religious leaders who believed that their godliness would produce great financial gain. Their mindset was all wrong and their form of godliness was not motivated from a pure heart.

The right mindset is the key to contentment, for Jesus said that when we prioritise the kingdom of God and seek after His righteousness, everything that we need will be provided for. When we spend our time seeking the things that are above, we are less likely to desire the things of the world around us and more likely to find true contentment in all that we have. So then, regardless of our ever-changing circumstances on the outside, we experience a deep-felt peace on the inside. As the apostle Paul said,

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