Encouragement, Grace, Praise, Thanksgiving, Truth

God’s Providence

Taken from a song of thanksgiving and praise of David, this verse speaks of God’s gracious providence. David had many enemies but the Lord had ‘sent out his arrows and scattered them’ (v14); his life had been in danger but the Lord ‘drew [him] out of many waters’ (v16).

The Lord responded to David’s cry and became his rescue and his support. He no longer had to hide in caves, for the Lord stood with him in the open places. David had confidence in his relationship with God because he was sure of God’s faithfulness.

We too can have this same confidence because God’s faithfulness does not change. The idea of being rewarded based on our righteousness is indeed daunting, yet because of God’s mercy and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, He views all who love Him as righteous. For this reason, we can confidently call upon the Lord in all circumstances, and know that our cry will reach His ears.

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