Daily Life, Encouragement, Holy Spirit

Spirit Unhindered

When you read this verse, do you hear it as a caution or as a plea? Either way, we need to heed what is being said. Just as the Lord Jesus came to us with purpose, so to did the Holy Spirit, and as He resides within every believer, He is compelled to fulfil His divine mission. He wants to ignite us with power – to speak the Word boldly; with love – to treat people compassionately; with strength – to walk in the will of God continually.

Galatians 5:16 says, ‘Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.’ Worldly desires are a snare to the child of God, but when we walk with the Spirit we will be led towards the desires of heaven.

We need to allow the Spirit to burn unhindered, for if we quench Him, we are dampening His effectiveness in our lives. When spiritual apathy comes in, our hearts will grow cold. By allowing Him to burn bright, we will be guided into truth as He searches and reveals to us the depths of God. Through His active presence we gain wisdom, we find clarity in Scripture and our faith is strengthened.

So, how can we ensure that the Spirit remains ‘unhindered’? We must determine to grow in His characteristics and allow our actions and behaviour to reflect God’s ways. When temptation comes, we draw on the power of the Spirit to overcome the desires of the flesh. When confusion comes, we stop and listen for the still-small-voice. Whatever the situation, if we surrender ourselves to Him and remain attentive to His leading, we will keep the Spirit’s flame alive and vibrant.

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