Encouragement, Glory of God, Kindness

The Girl with the Unknown Name

In the story surrounding this verse, we hear of a man called Naaman who was commander of the army of the king of Syria. He is recorded as being a mighty man of valour, but he also suffered from a noticeable disease. Within his household, there was a young servant girl who tended to Naaman’s wife. All we are told about the girl is that she was captured by the Syrians during one of their raids in Israel. She is never referred to by name, but only as ‘the girl from the land of Israel’.

In the eyes of many she was just a slave; she was nobody, certainly no-one of importance. Little did they know that she served someone who was mightier than Naaman. We’re not told anything about her relationship with God, but her actions tell me that she had faith in his power and ability. She could have been full of resentment and bitterness towards her master and mistress, being torn away from her own family and made to serve another, but that’s not want we find. Instead, we see a girl full of compassion who extends grace to her captor. Through her spoken concern, Naaman found healing.

Maybe you feel unimportant and nameless, or maybe you feel a bit lost in a place you never thought you’d be. Wherever you find yourself and no matter what other’s around you think, God can use you where you are for his glory. In our service to others, we are serving the Lord. So, be compassionate, because your words may bring someone the healing that they greatly need.

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