Daily Life, Spiritual Growth

Building Framework

Do you see your faith as a building project or as something that is fine the way it is and doesn’t need anything added to it? The Lord Jesus himself likens us to house builders, building on the truth of his word. So, what are we building with? We have our concrete foundation – Christ, and on that we place the steel girders of our faith. Now, how do we make the house weatherproof?

The apostle Peter gives us some great building advice. First of all, start by adding virtue, which the dictionary describes as excellence; goodness; righteousness. This is the ‘pointing’ of the outside brickwork, in order to protect it from the elements, and because our righteousness comes from God, it can never be eroded. Knowledge is added next, and if we mix that with wisdom and understanding, we will have the best mortar ever made. It doesn’t end there though, for Peter goes on to advise the addition of self-control, steadfastness, godliness, and love (v6). This is the plaster, the insulation, the roof and the sealant of your house. This is building well.

How is your building project coming along? Are you making every effort to supplement your faith so that it is weatherproof?

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