Encouragement, Truth

Pre-paid Envelope

Do people still write letters? I know in the business world that letters are sent and received, but what about personal letters to a friend or loved one? In a world of emojis and text-speak, writing is becoming a dying art form, which is sad because receiving a personal note that lets you know someone is thinking of you can bring so much joy. Yet, not all letters bring happiness with them, some bring worry, some bring disappointment or rejection.

Today’s verse speaks these daunting words – you are a letter from Christ – I use the word ‘daunting’ because that is how I felt when I read it at first. I asked myself, “if I am a letter, then what are people reading from my life?” That thought made me pause and think, but after thinking (a lot), I smiled with a sigh of relief. The letter is not from me, written with all my flaws and failings, the letter is from Christ, written by the Spirit!

On my heart, Christ has written the joy of salvation, the truth of the gospel, and the eternal hope of heaven with everlasting life in him. Weaved through all of that, he has written love. This is my letter and this is your letter, if Jesus is your Saviour and Lord. How amazing it is to be in possession of such an incredible letter, the kind of letter that you want to show to others and have them read it too.

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