Angels, Birth of the Christ

Proclaiming His Coming

The night that the angel appeared to the shepherds out in the field is an amazing visual of darkness and light colliding. The men were probably resting under the soft light of the stars with one ear and one eye open to anything that might harm their flock. Suddenly they were engulfed with the most incredible pure light and they were absolutely terrified, for you can’t fight light with a rod and a staff. A voice spoke, their eyes found the angel and fear changed to wonder.

Just when they thought it couldn’t get any more wondrous, a whole host of heaven’s angels appeared. What a phenomenal sight and sound that must have been! In that moment, time stood still and everything around them just fell away.

I wonder how long they stood there, with mouths open, after the angels had gone? How much time passed before they stopped gazing into the heavens and looked at one another and said, 

These lowly shepherds were handpicked by God to be among the first to know that the Saviour had arrived, and they were given the honour of bearing witness of his birth, an honour that we too now bear.

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