Bible Thoughts, Daily Life, Encouragement

In The Stillness

Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. Exodus 14:13

Life can get so busy and can almost feel chaotic at times. We are in a constant rush from one thing to the next in an effort just to stay ahead. As the Israelites approached the Red Sea, they could probably hear the distant rumble of horse, chariots and soldiers. The inclination would be to move faster themselves, feeling the fear and panic rise within as they tried to stay ahead; but the Lord wanted them to do the exact opposite.

Fear not, stand still. Amazing things happen when we still ourselves before God. There is no chaos with God, for he is never rushed or hurried. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Know it, within your heart and within your soul, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am God. I am in every situation and every circumstance. In your sorrow and grief, I am the God of comfort. When the path is unclear, I am the God who guides you. When you feel lost, I am the God who leads you home. When life is wearing you out, I am the God of rest. I am everything that you need, and I can do miraculous things – so, fear not, stand still.

As Elihu proclaimed to Job – ‘Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.’ Step out of the rush and don’t fear the distant rumble. In quietness and in confidence, trust the God who protects your every step.

God is working for you today in the stillness. Will you meet him there… will you stand with him there?

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