Daily Life, Faith worked out

Walk and Talk

You have all heard it said, in one form or another, ‘you can’t just talk-the-talk, you have to walk-the-walk’. In other words, ‘put your money where your mouth is’. The Christian faith is faith with works; it is words and actions. We have to walk and talk.

The Corinthians excelled at talking, right to the point of arrogance. They may have been able to say all the right things but their lifestyle told a different story. Living free in Christ had, for them, become freedom to indulge the flesh rather than freedom from its bondage. This does not reflect the truth of the kingdom of God.

We carry a glimpse of God’s kingdom to every person we meet every day, and to our unsaved family and friends on a continual basis. Do they see something that looks pretty similar to their own life or do they see something completely different, something powerful? That doesn’t mean we run around like little sticks of dynamite, but our faith needs to be seen and not just heard. If our faith is not producing a new way of living, it has no power.

Is your walk backing up your talk? The core of all that we say and all that we do should be built on the gospel of Jesus Christ for that is the power of God for salvation to everyone.

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