Listening to God, Plans, Purpose

Build with Gold

We know that God’s Spirit dwells within every believer, making our spiritual being His temple. Have you considered that collectively, a fellowship of believers also represents God’s temple? In this letter of Paul’s, when he says, “you are God’s temple” he is speaking to every believer within the whole congregation. This truth brings added responsibility in the continued building of the collective temple.

The work of Jesus Christ is the immoveable foundation on which we build, but what are we building with? The stonework should be strong and fireproof which Paul describes as gold, silver and precious stones. Building with these materials comes through constant prayer and listening for God’s guidance, for His vision. What is His will for your community and where is He leading?

When we take our eyes of God’s vision and follow our own wisdom, we can end up building with wood, hay and straw. Do we really want to build the temple of God with straw?

If what we are doing is not consistent with scripture, then it is not of God, and we are simply building an unstable structure that might as well be made of hay. Amy Carmichael is noted as saying, “The work will never go deeper than we have gone ourselves”. Hay and straw are easily found but gold and precious gems take more work to find. We need to dig deep for the right building materials in order for a fellowship to grow according to the will and purpose of God.

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