Prayer, Thanksgiving

Faithful Watchful Thankful

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

This may be a short verse, but there is a lot packed into it, with three specific instructions: Be attentive, be alert, be appreciative. Prayer is important to our Christian walk and yet we often neglect it, and in neglecting prayer, we are ignoring God’s presence with us. Prayer is usually described as conversation, which can be done at anytime and in anyplace, because God is with us everywhere; always. This is true, and it is a good practice to have, but prayer is much more than one-way communication with God. Prayer is the communion of our heart with His; our spirit with His.

When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. Matthew 6:6 

Chatting on the go with God is great, but don’t forget to shut yourself in with him as well, taking time to listen to his response. Be faithful in your prayer-time and be watchful in it. But what does watchful mean? I don’t have a theological answer for you but I’ll share the two different aspects that came to mind.

First, I thought about the actual words we say to God, as in the promises we make to him. Vows are important to God, but ultimately, it is the keeping of the vow that is vital. In Ecclesiastes 5 it says, ‘When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it. Let not your mouth lead you into sin, and do not say that it was a mistake. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.’ Sound advice indeed, to be careful in the things that we promise when we pray.

The second thing that came to mind in being watchful, was to be alert to everything that is going on around you. Jesus said, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” Mark 14:38.  And Paul said to the church at Ephesus, “Keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (6:18).The devil is constantly nipping at the heals of God’s people, so we must keep watch on ourselves and intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

God is good and he is faithful to all who love him. His ear is always attentive to us and he is constantly working for our good. He, above all others, deserves our heartfelt thanks, for it is from him that our help comes.

Be faithful in prayer. Be watchful in prayer. Be thankful in prayer.

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