Daily Life, Encouragement, Promises

Are You Weighed Down?

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Psalm 68:19

This is a short but wonderful verse. Read it again. Understand this truth – whatever you are facing today, the Lord, your Saviour, is upholding you through it.

Proverbs 12 tells us that anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down. Anxieties and worries are burdensome and they can change our mood in an instant. Situations play on the mind and the worse-case-scenario is normally the one that gets the most attention. Some people deal with worry better than others. There are those that tend not to over-think things and there are those who can’t stop their mind from constantly playing things over and over. There are also some who subscribe to the theory of ‘whatever-will-be-will-be’ so, what’s the point of worrying?

You would probably agree that worrying never is worthwhile, but you would probably also agree that packing up your troubles in an old kitbag and simply smiling, doesn’t always get the job done either.

Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

The only thing that will truly sustain us through trouble, is our reliance on the Lord. Anxiety may weigh us down but the strength of the Lord holds us up. The devil may try to shake the ground beneath you, but remember, it is God, the Rock, on which your feet are firmly standing.

Give the burdens of your mind to the only one who is equipped to carry them and trust the one who daily bears you up.

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