Forgiveness, Grace

Grace Reigns in Righteousness

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Romans 6:1

Do we lose something of the responsibility toward sin when we know we have been forgiven from it all? Personalised this question and answer yourself honestly.

God’s grace has been poured out upon us because of Christ and the agonising death that he endured for us.

Behold the man upon a cross, my sin upon His shoulders; 
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers. 
It was my sin that held Him there, until it was accomplished; 
His dying breath has brought me life – I know that it is finished.

Is shame felt when we are not forthcoming with the whole truth? Is there shame with the harsh word, the unkind act or the rude comment? God may no longer count our transgressions against us (2Cor5:19), but to continue to flirt with sin, in any shape or form, makes a mockery of the Lord’s death, our salvation and God’s amazing love.

We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. Romans 6:6

We have been set free from the burden and guilt of sin, so why would we want to indulge in it any further? Grace does not reign in sin, grace reigns in righteousness, which leads us to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 5:21.

We have been made righteous through the obedience of the Lord Jesus, so let us continue to walk in righteousness as we also obey the will of the Father.

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