Choices, Plans, Wisdom

Start As You Mean To Go On

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

The start of every year is always filled with good intentions. Resolutions are made, goals are set, plans are put in place. All start off great, but only a small percentage stay the course. The key to success is to choose well.

Joshua wanted the Israelites to choose well. They had settled in the promised land of Canaan and the Lord had given rest to Israel from all their surrounding enemies23:1. Joshua called all of Israel, it’s elders and leaders together and reminded them of everything that the Lord had done for them up until that very day. He wanted each of them to now decide how they would live their lives from this point forward.

Choose this day whom you will serve. Josh 24:15

The Lord had been faithful to his people and Joshua had led them well in all that God had commanded, but he knew that his time with them was coming to a close. God had kept his promise and Joshua wanted the people to return a promise of service to the Lord, and to him alone. As always, Joshua led by example.

Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Josh 24:14

It is good to remind ourselves of all that the Lord has done for us and given to us. It is also good to renew our commitment to Him and consciously make him the priority in all that we wish to achieve. Incline your heart to the Lord, let him lead you forward, and walk in his promises.

Start this year as you mean to go on, and if you only make one resolution this year, let it be this – I will serve the Lord.

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