Daily Life, Encouragement, God's Presence, Truth

Walk Fearlessly

The Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:26

Have you ever watched someone walk into a room and chat easily with everyone there, or watch as they step onto a platform and talk without any hint of nervousness? The person who isn’t afraid to speak up in study group or take the leap of faith in a new venture. They seem self-assured; fearless.

When we follow wisdom’s path, we too can walk fearlessly. With a combination of the strength of God and the peace of the Holy Spirit, we can move forward in the confidence of the Lord. As you can imagine, this is not the attitude that the devil wants us to have and so he will try to take it away by placing stones and potholes in our path. He will try everything and anything to trip us up mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Have you experienced the unexpected curve ball? Everything seems to be going well and then out of nowhere, bam! You feel knocked off course, unsure of your footing and uncertain of how to get back on track. Without the Lord, and left to your own devices, you may at times be able to muddle through, but it can be exhausting.

The Lord does not want you to ‘muddle through’ anything. In his providence, he wants to keep your foot from being caught by any of the devil’s meddling. He wants you to be sure-footed at all times, especially through the trials. He wants you to keep your head up and walk through every situation confidently, knowing that he is your strength and that he is walking with you.

The Lord will be your confidence. Walk fearlessly with Him by your side, knowing that whatever comes, He will lead you through.

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