Bible Thoughts, Daily Life, Holy Spirit

Seeking the Attributes of Heaven

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Once we come to faith in Christ there is a shift in how we look at the world. A kind of realignment takes place in our heart and mind and the things that we once did no longer feel right. Our perspective changes, what drives us changes, and our attitude changes.

These changes cause us to look at things differently and to look for things differently. The things around us in the world can no longer satisfy the soul as they once did which is why we need to seek the things that are above. It is only the pure things of God, displayed through Christ Jesus, that can bring us fulfilment. The Holy Spirit guides us as we seek them out and then helps us to grow in them. Kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, humility, forgiveness, respect, empathy, love. Heavenly attributes in an earthly life.

Seeking these things takes conscious effort because they don’t come to us naturally as God had intended. Our physical state will always be a hindrance to our spiritual state which is why we have to actively pursue these Godly attributes.

The working out of our faith takes actual work but with it comes the joy of serving God and living a life that brings honour and glory to Him.

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