Daily Life, God's Presence, Prayer

Prayer – An Essential Habit

Pray then like this: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name” Matthew 6:9

Prayer was essential to the Lord Jesus, and he was in the habit of rising early, going someplace quiet, and talking to his Father. These conversations were vital to everything that the Lord would face and what he was sent to accomplish. So, when Jesus said, “And when you pray…”, he was letting us know that prayer is not an optional extra that we can take or leave; it is something that we are expected to do.

Think of the obstacles, hindrances and challenges that you have faced during your life, (you will probably find more that you care to remember). Who did you share those times with? Prayer is our access point to receiving the strength, courage, patience and peace that we need to bolster our faith and see us through difficult times. We cannot build a sustainable life of faith without continual communication with the One in whom that faith is in.

I am sure that most of you love to get a message from a friend asking, “Do you fancy meeting for a coffee and a chat?” You choose the place and the time and you look forward to the catch-up. Somehow, time with a friend always seems to fly by as the conversation flows along. It’s easy conversation; it’s comfortable and relaxing, for there is no need for pretence – you can just ‘be’.

Without being flippant, God wants you to stop by for coffee and a chat. He wants to meet with you on a regular basis and hear all about what’s happening in your life. He wants you to discover that talking to him can feel like the most natural thing in the world. You can bring your joys, your fears, your achievements and your failures. You don’t have to hide anything from him. You can be open, you can be honest, you can just ‘be’.  

Prayer is an essential habit to have, because spending time with God will do you heart, soul and spirit no end of good.

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