God's Love, Mercy

High Priestly Prayer (1of3)


“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” John 17: 4

Jesus’ death is now imminent and he lifts his eyes up toward heaven to pray to his Father. Jesus would normally go to a quiet place, usually the mountain side, to talk to the Father, but not this time. This time we have the privilege of hearing the Lord pour out his heart for the disciples and then for every believer. He begins with a solemn truth, “Father, the hour has come…” You can feel the heaviness of his heart as he prepares for the fulfillment of his purpose, that through his death, eternal life would be made available to all.

“And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” There may be many religions but there is only one true God. So, the only way of receiving this eternal life is by coming to know, and believing in, the one true God and in his Son, Jesus Christ. The Eternal Plan was in motion from the very beginning. God desired a people who would live pure and holy lives and who would commune with him in holy worship. A people who would look after the wonderful world which he had created and on whom he could lavish every good thing… forever. The plan still exists and the choice to be a part of it is still yours to make.

Jesus came down to our world to open our eyes to the one responsible for its decay and destruction. He came down to dispel the darkness in which we walk and to show us the way out of the devil’s deception and into God’s truth. He came down to make us aware of our sin but then to assure us of the Father’s steadfast love and to glorify the Father before all men. He was the redemptive plan for the eternal plan. Having achieved all that had been asked of him, he declared, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”

Every believer carries on the work of the Father; lights in the darkness, showing the way back to God, through the Son, to the Eternal Kingdom. Then, when He takes us home, may we all be able to say, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”

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