Battleground, Encouragement, Prayer

Strength in Numbers

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

There is a story of a father with many sons who were often falling out with one another. After repeated attempts to reconcile them, he decided on a more practical approach. He called his sons together and set a tied bundle of sticks on the floor. One by one he asked them to lift the bundle and try to break it. Try as they might with all their strength, not one of them could break the sticks. After this the father ordered the bundle to be untied, and gave a single stick to each of his sons. Once again, he asks them to try and break it. This time, of course, the task took very little effort and each stick was easily broken. The father addressed his sons and said, “My sons, do you understand the difference? Arguing causes each of you to go his own way, and alone you are weak. However, when you join yourselves together, you are not so easily hurt or broken, for there is strength in unity.

God’s family is much stronger together than apart. When we fellowship together, pray together and study together, we are able to encourage, strengthen and support one another. Standing alone makes us vulnerable to the enemy and an easier target to attack. Standing together is like wearing reinforced body armour whilst inside a fortress.

Never underestimate the power of prayer to strengthen the spirit of a fellow believer. Paul said to the Corinthians: “We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself… but He delivered us from such a deadly peril. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You also must help us by prayer…” (2Cor1).

There are many within the church family that are burdened beyond their strength, and yet you may never know it. Prayer is an incredibly powerful weapon and we should not shy away from using it. Amongst all of your brothers and sisters in Christ, there will be those entering the battlefield, those leaving it, and some right in the middle of it; pray for a covering of courage, strength and spiritual protection over them.

Prayer is in your hands; use it today and strengthen the defence against the evil one.

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