Encouragement, Hope, Monday Meditation

All Free All The Time

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

Do you believe in God 100%? Do you believe he has power to change lives, to change circumstances, to change outcomes? Do you trust that He is working on your behalf and for your good?

Through faith, through trust, through believing – we have hope, but it doesn’t stop there. The hope we find in God has the ability to fill us with a deep inner peace. In our world, peace is a rare commodity and personal peace is greatly sought after. People long for peace-of-mind and finding that inner tranquil calm. They will sign up for classes, go on retreats and buy the latest products in an attempt to find a balance to the chaos and turmoil of everyday life. If you could bottle and sell peace, it would fly off the shelf.

Do we, as Christians, even realise what we’ve got? By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are abounding in, richly supplied with, knee deep in hope, and, joy and peace are intrinsically connected to hope. This is the best buy-one-get-2-free offer anywhere! Although actually, when you read the small print, it’s all free, for hope comes free with salvation!

As you meditate on this verse today, be encouraged that you have been blessed by the God of all hope.

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