Monday Meditation, Truth

The Only God

Know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. Deuteronomy 4:39

It does our spirit good to meditate on this truth, that the One we serve is the one true God. No matter what Roman and Greek mythology say, there are no other gods of heaven or gods of earth, there is only Yahweh, our God, Jehovah. It is He alone that deserves our allegiance, for it is He alone that is the source of all life.

Knowing who it is we serve and why we serve Him is fundamental to our faith. We need to know and understand why we follow His commands and why we live our lives according to His teaching. Our obedience to God is grounded in the truth of who we perceive him to be and what we believe he has done.

Think today of who the God of heaven is to you personally. Think about what He sacrificed for you and all the provision he has made for you. Consider His faithfulness, his goodness and his love. Consider what your life would be like without Him.

Dedicate this day to acknowledge all that He is and lay it to your heart that the God of all heaven and earth is also the God of you.

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