Faith worked out, Goodness, Mercy, Psalms

In Every Season

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

When the psalmist looks back over all that the Lord has done for him, he sees that the care of the Shepherd has been immense. Every need in every season of his life has been provided for. There were times of blessing, times of nourishment, times of rest and refreshing. Even through times of distress there had been comfort and times of restoration. There was no part of the journey where he was ever alone. David felt the incredible love that had been flowing constantly into his life and it convinced him, without a shadow of a doubt, that goodness and mercy would continue to follow him all the days of his life.

When the summer sun begins to dip and the cooler nights draw in, the shepherds lead their sheep on the journey back home. The winter will be spent in the warmth and safety of barns that have been filled with an abundance of fresh straw and hay. Here there will be no fear of cold, no fear of danger, for they are safe and secure at the homestead of the shepherd.

Every one of us who have come into the care of the Good Shepherd will be given constant attention and provision, for there is nothing that the Shepherd will not do for his sheep. Through faith, we trust in his unfailing love to sustain and strengthen us in every season of the journey. His goodness and mercy is renewed daily and we have been granted full access to it.

Come what may, through good days and bad, His presence never leaves us, and when the sun goes down, we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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