Daily Life, Faith worked out

Amidst Distortion

Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

Philippians 2:14,15

Some folks are great grumblers and have managed to make it into a strange art-form. As soon as you see them coming you inwardly wonder ‘what’s wrong now?’ Somehow, nothing is ever right and their very presence can be exhausting. Standards are placed on everything, but no-one and nothing can ever live up to those standards all of the time.

Christians are not immune from grumbling, but if you truly have the joy of Lord within you, you will find grumbling hard to do because it is all about perspective. Life for us is viewed completely different because we live with hope. Although it is impossible for us to live a perfect life, we are perfected in Christ and have the ability to be lights of hope in a very dark place.

Jesus lived a perfect life within an imperfect world and it is his example that we must follow. God’s world has been distorted by sin and although we are to ‘come out from among them and be separate,’ it doesn’t mean that we are to live in isolation from the world. Instead, we are to live in the midst of the crookedness, illuminating the straight path.

Light draws attention and your light can draw people to a life of fulfilment, hope and joy.

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