Daily Life, The Prophets

Lessons from the Prophets (1)

Hosea 2:19 – I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness.

Delving into the prophetic books has been challenging, to say the least, because it has caused me to stand before the God of justice and mercy and to understand a little better my place in his kingdom and his expectation of me, here on earth. So, what did I learn?

Through Hosea I gained a better understanding of the depth of God’s commitment to me and that I belong to him completely. I realised the hurt that I cause whenever I don’t honour Him by being fully commitment in return. He has betrothed me in righteousness, justice, mercy, love and faithfulness. In this union, God is all in; I need to be all in also.

Joel taught me to think beyond my own corner because as the Church and as a nation we need to repent of our sin and the consequences of our sin. We need to gather as one people and call upon the mercy of God for our land.

Amos showed me the danger of pride and being judgmental of others. God’s desire is for me to be compassionate, live according to his ways and stand up for the poor and those in need. Amos also reminded me of how much I rely on God’s word for strength and comfort and I pray he never withholds it from me.

The little book of Obadiah may have caused me some issues to begin with but the message became clear – Christian should not rise up against Christian; I am to live every day with compassion and humility and I should always consider my actions.

Jonah wore his heart on his sleeve and displayed the whole range of human emotion. I could relate to the tug-of-war with God’s will and not having a right attitude toward it. God’s love crosses the boundary of sin to reach the sinner and his mercy is offered to everyone. When I don’t reflect this attitude, I am letting sin take hold of me.

Micah reminded me that no matter what I’ve been through, going through or will go through, God stands beside me, upholding me. In Him I have a secure sanctuary for all that life holds now and He is my eternal hope for what lies ahead.

What amazing truths. I pray that you also will have found hope, blessing and encouragement through the prophets and never forget that God has betrothed you to himself.

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