Acts of the Apostles, Faithfulness, Grace

Steadfast and Faithful

Acts 11:23 – When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.

It is such a wonderful thing to see the grace of God at work in someone’s life, especially when it is someone you have been praying for. Life continually brings challenges of all shapes and sizes and this last year has been a substantial one for millions of people around the world. You probably know some who have found it extremely difficult and not being able to have that physical, tactile contact has not helped. We turn to the God of amazing grace and intercede on their behalf, asking him to surround them with his presence and pour out his peace so that they would not feel overwhelmed by the circumstances.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

This is what the Lord said to Paul whenever his circumstances became challenging. Sometimes the situation does not change the way we want it to, which can be really hard to accept (speaking from personal experience). God doesn’t enjoy seeing his children suffer. Imagine any parent with a sick child and the lengths they go to in supporting them through the situation. They constantly reassure their child that whatever happens, they won’t have to go it alone, they will be beside them through the whole experience. This is our God, walking beside us for the whole journey, pouring his grace continually upon us. His steadfastness never wavers.

We do not deserve God’s favour but he gives it generously because his compassion toward us knows no limit and neither does his faithfulness. Relying on God’s grace alone in difficult times is not easy, I know that, but if you allow it, it will bring you peace. In Acts 11, Barnabas rejoiced in the grace that God had given to the believers at Antioch, encouraging them to stay faithful to God and to persevere.

Our circumstances should never change our faithfulness to God because they can never change who we are in him. We are his children always and he is with us through every situation.

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